On-line test OSH and FP
Your company pays attention to OSH and FP problems and has excellent results in the sphere. You wish to maintain a high degree of protection, however we recommend that you get in touch with appropriate specialists.
From the information filled in it results that your company must eliminate certain shortcomings, but it is not necessary to undertake any significant investments insto securing the sphere of OSH and FP, as the implementation is sufficient. If you intend to increasse your effectiveness or reduce the costs, we recomment taking up contact with specialists in the matter.
From the information filled in, it is clear that your firm does not possess a functional system of management in the sphere of OSH and FP which would reduce the risk of any omission and resolve in due manner all the questions mentioned. It is recommended that you contact specialists in the sphere without delay.
From the information filled in, it results that your company should as soon as possible eliminate the identified shortcomings in securing OSH and FP. The present situation shows a critical manner of securing it, and it should be improved without any delay. We recommend contacting specialists in this sphere as soon as possible.
Our services
Contact us
Centre of OSH and Fire Protection
Pražská 11, 811 01 Bratislava